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Dental Veneers

Recover Functionality

Recover the esthetics of your teeth

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are restorations that are performed on the visible surface of the teeth and are used to mask aspects of the teeth that can affect the aesthetics of the smile (caries, fractures, previous defective restorations, changes in shape, size, color, etc.). or position of the teeth). There are several types of veneers. On one hand, there are direct composite veneers, manufactured in the clinic by the dentist, and on the other, indirect composite or porcelain veneers, manufactured in the laboratory.

The veneers have a duration of five to seven years, the direct ones of composite and the indirect ones of porcelain between 15-20 years.

The duration of the veneers will depend, to a large extent on factors related to the patient, such as: diet, occlusion, smoking, hygiene habits and frequency of visits to the dentist, among others. In any case, it is recommended to review them periodically to assess their evolution and the need to replace them at the appropriate time.

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About treatment

quality services


They are highly aesthetic.
They improve the smile by 100%.
Change of color of the teeth.
Good adhesion to the dental piece.
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