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Root Canal

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Root Canal

It is a process that is carried out for different reasons, either due to deep cavities or blows to the same teeth that have reached the nerve and cause problems in its irrigation (also causing a lot of pain). When there is an injury due to these causes, the best option is to apply this treatment.

This treatment is also known as the “canal” treatment or as “root canal treatment”, since the tooth is made up of hard tissues that we all know as enamel and dentin, but then, we have the pulp.

When caries touches the pulp of the tooth, a process of pulp necrosis begins, due to irreversible pulpitis (irreversible inflammation of the canal). Causing the symptoms, we may have at first.

Basically, they are described as common reactions: inflammation, constant discomfort when chewing, tooth sensitivity, pain when chewing and even a throbbing pain.

This process is usually accompanied by a lot of pain, for which it can be considered symptomatic, however, sometimes there are tissues that are painless and feel completely asymptomatic for some patients.

This, which we previously mentioned as a second possibility, is much more dangerous, since many times the infection that accumulates in the pulp of the tooth can go into the bloodstream and cause terrible diseases such as facial cellulitis, osteomyelitis and even angina.

Oral examination is carried out, where the piece with the signs that the patient comments in his interview is searched for. From the observation and the anomalies of the tooth, X-rays will be carried out to evaluate the damage of the dental piece.

After having the images you can start with the endodontic process itself. It is important to note that this process is carried out under local anesthesia, which means that it is completely painless at each stage.

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Treatment Process

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Many times, when the tooth is completely necrotic, no movement or nerves are felt, but it is always valuable to apply anesthesia to avoid pain.

Depending on the complexity and damage to the dental piece, a root canal can take approximately 1 to 2 hours. Even more visits if it is decided to leave medicine inside the conduit in case you want to disinfect more effectively.

After root canal treatment, a post can be placed inside the worked canal to provide greater stability and resistance, which is adhered with dental cements, sealed with composites to create a buildup, and prepare the tooth for a dental crown in case if necessary.

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Avoid removing the piece in question.
Prevents the infection of the piece from spreading to more areas of the oral cavity.
Helps eliminate bacteria.
Effective to eliminate acute pain and infection.
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